Affordable Legal Services with Predictable Fees - Vision Law®

Call For A Free Consultation (855) 534-1490

Call For A Free Consultation (855) 534-1490

A man in a blue shirt and tie holding up a stop sign - Vision Law

Unlimited1 advice and legal document review services to prevent employee issues and lawsuits in the first place, all delivered at an affordable monthly flat fee.

You have an employment and labor lawyer “in your back pocket” to address your employee problems immediately, with a ½ business day response time guaranty or your next month is free. Comply with the law and keep your business lawsuit free without breaking the bank. This is the solution for employers who wish to stay out of court.

What is included in our patented Predictable Fees Program® (US Patent # 8,296,203):

Unlimited1 Services:

  • Access to your own employment and labor lawyer
  • Employment and labor law advice
  • Employment and labor law document review
  • Employment and labor law legal research

Plus, you also receive:

  • Return Call Guaranty—calls/e-mails returned within 1 business day or your next month is free
  • Discounted hourly rate (20% discount) for legal document preparation and revisions
  • Eligibility for Vision Law®’s Share in the Risk Litigation Program® at a 40% holdback rate
  • E-Newsletter for California businesses
  • Your option of a month-to-month or annual commitment
  • A custom-prepared Employee Handbook for your business (a $1,800 value) if you select the 12-month commitment (not included with month-to-month contract). The Employee Handbook package includes an implementation meeting or conference call and Q&A with key management.

The current PFP monthly flat rate is $499/mo.

Call or e-mail us now for more information about our Predictable Fees Program®.

1Our Predictable Fees Program® is intended to be an “unlimited” preventive advice program. However in order to protect against excessive use, we reserve the right to “look back” over any consecutive three month period and to bill for “excess usage” as defined in the PFP agreement. Generally, excess usage is defined as greater than 2 hours per month (6 hours over any consecutive three month period) under the PFP agreement. We reserve the right to bill the client for excess usage at a 20% discount off its normal hourly rates in effect at the time of excess usage. Our intention is to exercise this right only if client usage is consistently in excess of the maximum hours allowed under the PFP over a period of time so as to maximize value to our clients while maintaining some level of protection for “excess usage.”

Our Predictable Fees Program® does not include legal advice on issues other than employment and labor law, advice on traditional labor law (i.e. labor organizing, collective bargaining, strikes, and other union-related issues), representation and/or advice for worker’s compensation claims (except Labor Code Section 132a and Serious and Willful Misconduct advice (Labor Code Section 4553 advice)), litigation/trial advice, representation or defense, negotiations, travel time and office visits, and hard costs, if necessary (in most cases there should be no hard costs under the PFP subscription). Other restrictions and exclusions may apply. See PFP agreement for details.

Small/Medium Business Legal Solutions Brochure (pdf)

Free consultation from Vision Law - Legal Counsel & Protection for Employers

Call For A Free Consultation
(855) 534-1490

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