An “off the clock” claim occurs when the employee claims more time worked that what appears on their daily time record. The time records show one thing but the employee claims they worked more hours. Sometimes those “off the clock” hours result in an overtime…Read More
Or round up to the nearest minute, lest one of your employees claims you failed to pay them for all hours worked. I’ve been preaching for a while that employers should get an electronic time keeping system and pay non-exempt employees to the minute. Based…Read More
California’s minimum wage rises to $10 per hour starting January 1, 2016. Once again, California employers must gear up for pay raises, not just for employees paid on an hourly basis at minimum wage, but also for exempt employees. We explained why this is the case two years ago…Read More
A common misconception is paying an employee a salary makes them “exempt” from payment of overtime. I bet at least half of you reading this are saying, “what, you mean that’s not the case?” That’s right, it’s not. While paying a salary is required, there…Read More