Efficient Conflict Resolution: Arbitration/Mediation Services

Call For A Free Consultation (855) 534-1490

Call For A Free Consultation (855) 534-1490

You and your employees can agree to have a private arbitrator decide employee issues rather than a jury of your supposed “peers.”

Arbitration of employee claims is experiencing resurgence. Since the California Supreme Court’s 2000 Armendariz decision, the utility of mandatory binding arbitration had diminished, particularly for small/medium employers. But decisions from the United States Supreme Court have since brought mandatory arbitration back to life especially in the context of class action and representative action waivers and possibly in overruling the Armendariz requirements.

If you are wondering how arbitration works or whether it is right for your business, call or e-mail us now for a free consultation.

Free consultation from Vision Law - Legal Counsel & Protection for Employers

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(855) 534-1490

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